Journey 1 — Relationship with You
Journey within and find your pathway to happiness and Strength
No one can search the right path of your life for you…You have to light your own torch of faith…and walk under the guidance of your heart
Focusing Within
01 — Sit Quiet
Sitting quiet doesn’t mean thoughts cannot run rampant, it means to acknowledge your thoughts coming thru.
Acknowledge them: what they are telling you, what you are feeling and what needs to be processed.
02 — Beginner Meditation
Sit and let all thoughts come thru. Whether it be the grocery list, the kids’ chores, the list of things to do or feeling any frustrations. Listen for these thoughts entering your mind, hear them, acknowledge them and then quietly put them on a cloud and see them float away. Do this as many times as you need to. Start your meditation with five minutes a day as long as you need to and then periodically lead yourself to 15 minutes a day.
Methods to get started: Use a quiet space, keep it quiet, turn on relaxing meditation music or find a guided meditation to support your thoughts. There is no wrong way to enter a meditation, it is your intentions and what reflects your spirit and what feels welcoming to you. Remember we are all different in spirit as well as in our physical form, we adjust in our own ways, that is our gift from the Universe. The beauty that exists for our connection and transition, is what is best for each of us, and our own true souls.
Note: Falling asleep or feeling as if you fell asleep or are falling asleep is normal. This is part of the transition phase. The goal is to be in the in between stage, between being awake and being asleep. This is known as the Lucid stage, mindfulness meditation phase. Where you pay attention to your thoughts and sensations by being calm and quietly observing from afar.
*Most think, you have to sit up and cross your legs. You do not need to sit in this pose.
*Please understand you can sit up in a quiet position on a chair; back against the wall on a cushion; lay halfway back on a bean bag; anywhere you are cozy and can relax. As long as you are comfortable, and you are open, so your energy can flow through your physical body.
03 — Listen
While sitting quiet or thru guided meditation: Listen to the sounds, of nature, the wind, the animals, the insects, the trees, the water and all other connections of these beautiful natural voices of life. Messages of love, light and connections, to all life. When we stop and listen, we appreciate spiritual and all physical life forms. The key to peace is taking care of both with complete care. And recognizing life in its different forms and how GAIA is here to reinforce this with all life, on the Earth plain.
04 — Learn
Understanding where we come from is the true ambiance of a great life ahead of us. The guidance of love can carry us further than we ever thought possible. Carrying this love can be grander than we ever thought possible. By learning these steps our connections have no boundaries.
If you want to create a better you, merely say “I am”
Love every part of you and grow with the Universe
Mental Exercise for the Day