Signs Calling Out to you…
Anyone feeling on overload now a days, it’s in the air. The energy is at an all-time high. When it seems like there is no direction to take, watch for the Signs, Spirit is always flagging us down. It’s in all of us to pay attention. Even though I am listening constantly, I still sometimes miss it.
Even with it being a Tik Tok trend, it is still and always was and always will be, the best way to get straight forward signs from Spirit using numbers. The Angel numbers are what everyone is trending. Seems so normal now, compared to when I was learning directly from spirit on my own.
But yes it is true, today for instance, I felt my angels come thru and I just sat and stared, at the time, at my laptop screen. Took me a second to realize Spirit was working on getting my attention and the numbers just sank into my being. Numbers 4:39; Then I noticed the words on the screen at the same time. “Off the beaten path, it takes a bit of doing to get the crescent beach and slice of peaceful paradise” your probably saying…what does that mean, nothing truly. But I was going at a rapid pace, my heart was accelerating and I really felt I needed to multitask and get numerous things done. Which wasn’t something I really should have been focused on. I also continuously ask what direction and what path is right for me. And also if I am supposed to change it up. The other writing on the screen was “Few Roads are paved in this area and farther inland the wilderness takes over, but that’s what makes…this beach such an Idyllic spot.”
Soon after I realized my screen was frozen and the number 4:39 did not change with the actual time. If that isn’t a sign I don’t know what is!
The easiest way to find out about the message for me is to ask Spirit precisly what they are getting at. A fun way is to also confirm what I am getting and to look online under angel numbers. You can see mostly the same meanings from multiple sites. But the truest meaning is one that enters your heart and you feel it as part of your message!
So, my message from the Spirit and the Angels today is this:
You are putting energy into an area that is not in your best interest. Slow down and get Balanced. Take a deep breath, close your eyes for 5 minutes and breathe. You will get to your destination that you are meant to be on but do you want to take the long way around? Or do you understand that you are already in the right direction. Don’t let other things take you from your peace and tranquility. Few are meant to be on this path of energy healing, use your gifts to the fullest extent and do not let the little things over power your true path, your true destination…See the beauty of what is meant for you and stay focused on it. (439)The angels highly need your attention (hence the frozen screen) I am the creator of my reality, if I focus on the wrong things, my path will take longer than needed. Awaken your confidence, be in touch with yourself and what my body is feeling. Listen to your inner wisdom, you are in the right place and in the right direction. You will have prosperity and success. Listen to your heart, your inner being and pursue your souls mission and purpose. We will take care of the rest.
Be patient, you will get there, seek balance; Stop hiding and start walking the path.
This is why I am here for you. You each, are part of my path and I welcome you with open arms. I will always make way to help you through your process and help you to continue on your path of enlightenment and we will continue to learn together!
Love and Light